
Free On-line Psychotherapy and Counselling Consultations

Helen Dugdale 0 2413

In these uncertain times, with lots of upheaval – some people maybe feeling overwhelmed and more anxious. I am offering free consultations via Skype or video conferencing, while we are all in social distancing mode. Even though face-to-face counselling is better, I would still like to offer my services to help alleviate people’s fears and anxieties, before it becomes a major health issue.


Helen Dugdale 0 2426

"extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult."

It occurred to me that people suffering from this condition might have trouble getting help. How do they get out of the house to find out or to seek help? The answer is, they probably don't, they are more likely to read articles online or in newspapers or magazines, or hear about what help is available through friends or family.

Ageing Well in Later Life

By Helen Dugdale - Australian Brain Coaching

Helen Dugdale 0 2184

It's important to celebrate our elders and their achievements and their value to society.  There have been lots of studies and trials on being healthy in later years, particularly emotional well-being as that has a definite impact on your physical well-being.

Yes it is possible to change your ways and improve your life by overcoming those things that are annoying you, ( I am not talking medical or physical things - I'll leave those things for the doctors and medical professionals)

YES - you can learn to overcome stresses, difficult situations, bad habits.  Scientists have done thousands of trials and brain scans, and the brain is pliable i.e. plasticity of the brain cells is real.


Woman of the Year a passionate advocate for youth, education

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The Narrabri SIAHTO Woman of the Year, Helen Dugdale, is a passionate advocate for young people and for education.  In those areas, and in others across the community, Mrs Dugdale has dedicated many years of voluntary commitment and enthusiasm.  Her achievements were recognised and applauded by the audience – which included her daughter Anna Dugdale – when a surprised Mrs Dugdale was announced as the 2019 Narrabri Woman of the Year at Narrabri SIAHTO’s awards night on Tuesday.   Mrs Dugdale was taken by surprise – she had been invited to the dinner as a guest speaker – with no inkling of her honour to come.  SIAHTO and family members had carefully planned to circumvent the award winner’s prior commitments to ensure she would be at the event.

Phobias Anyone?

Helen Dugdale 0 1561

Phobias anyone? Snakes and heights! This beauty was on our path up to the look-out. Luckily it was only a python. Tap on photo to get full picture. #phobias #snakes #heights #braincoaching

Procrastination - No laughing matter

Helen Dugdale 0 2059

People often laugh about their habit of putting things off. You know the old joke - "Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow". That is okay for awhile or on minor issues, and then wham! all of a sudden you are under pressure to perform or lifestyle issues are at stake. This pressure or stress is not good for your health, amongst other negative impacts.
Of course, a little bit of pressure can be good for performance, it can motivate you to get that job done, get that essay written etc. However, when a 'little' bit of pressure becomes a 'lot', and not getting things done on time becomes a habit, that's when things will start to go downhill. You may need some intervention strategies to change these habits.


Ageing Well In Later Life

Presentation to Narrabri Seniors Week

Helen Dugdale 0 1842

Thank you to the Council for putting on such a wonderful event. It's important to celebrate our elders, and their achievements and their value to society. Thank you for inviting me to come along today to speak on this topic

I am excited about this topic, as I just recently studied this in my psychology course. There have been lots of studies and trials on being healthy in later years, particularly emotional well-being, as that has a definite impact on your physical well-being.

“Meditation – the Brain Coaching Way”

Helen Dugdale 0 3631

A few years ago, I would not have meditated – “I’m too busy, can’t sit still, etc, etc”. Now I can see the benefits of meditating – all you need is about 20 minutes!

Meditating using the Brain Coaching method has had amazing results for people wanting to change from bad habits into new, worthwhile habits. This method helps to reinforce your new thought patterns. Clients have reported wonderful success stories.

How to Handle Stressful Situations

Helen Dugdale 0 2365

A certain amount of stress can be quite useful in certain situations, however, too much stress can be bad for your health.  It is possible to retrain your brain and get out of this cycle of negativity.

A series of 3 workshops will provide you with the tips and tools to find out what will work for you and set you on a more fulfilling path.  Dates are 30th May, 6th and 13th June from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the Community College

For enquiries call Helen Dugdale on 0417 064 507 or email:

Open Palm or closed fist? Some people have different attitudes to life.

SuperUser Account 0 2051

Open palm or closed fist? Some people have different attitudes to life.  Listened to an amazing guest speaker yesterday – Heather J. Mackenzie, from Denver Colarado.  An open palm is all about being ready to receive new ideas, new possibilities, meet new people.  This was her main message. Heather is a very inspirational speaker – from adversity comes opportunity and Heather wants to spread the word and help other people reach their potential.

Some of the outcomes of this talk were not only the insight and experience of Heather, it was also meeting the other amazing women in the audience. For example – Black Diamonds - 2 ladies empowering indigenous women and teenagers to be the best they can be.

ABC Website has had a Change!

Helen Dugdale 0 2305

It is with much pleasure that the new website for ABC has been launched!

Many thanks to the team at KatesonWeb for their expertise and wonderful design.

I am looking forward to helping people overcome their anxieties and fears and to improve their confidence – Yes, you can re-train your brain!

This method is new to Australia and has impressive results – all without drugs or hypnotism.

Contact Helen for a chat about how brain-coaching can help you, 0417 064507.

Many thanks to renowned Narrabri artist Graeme Compton for the original and beautiful artwork – depicting “Freeing up the Mind”.

Defenestration - the act of throwing things out the window.

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New Year's Resolutions - out the window??

And it's only February!

If your New Year Resolutions have gone out the window already maybe you need help in working out why.

Sometimes it is not that obvious, such as - not having any willpower. There could be many reasons why you have given up. Your brain could still be in that same rut - reverting back to your old habits. Our brains get stuck in a rut and are hard to move this type of thinking. And just like any new skill you’ll need to train your brain for your new skill. 

Stress is the Culprit

Appearing in the Narrabri Courier 18 January 2018

SuperUser Account 0 2327

Stress can be responsible for all sorts of conditions.  Find out how you can stop this cycle and lead a more relaxed lifestyle, advises consultant with Australian Brain Coaching Helen Dugdale.

2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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