
ABC Website has had a Change!

Helen Dugdale 0 2406

It is with much pleasure that the new website for ABC has been launched!

Many thanks to the team at KatesonWeb for their expertise and wonderful design.

I am looking forward to helping people overcome their anxieties and fears and to improve their confidence – Yes, you can re-train your brain!

This method is new to Australia and has impressive results – all without drugs or hypnotism.

Contact Helen for a chat about how brain-coaching can help you, 0417 064507.

Many thanks to renowned Narrabri artist Graeme Compton for the original and beautiful artwork – depicting “Freeing up the Mind”.

Defenestration - the act of throwing things out the window.

SuperUser Account 0 2721

New Year's Resolutions - out the window??

And it's only February!

If your New Year Resolutions have gone out the window already maybe you need help in working out why.

Sometimes it is not that obvious, such as - not having any willpower. There could be many reasons why you have given up. Your brain could still be in that same rut - reverting back to your old habits. Our brains get stuck in a rut and are hard to move this type of thinking. And just like any new skill you’ll need to train your brain for your new skill. 

Stress is the Culprit

Appearing in the Narrabri Courier 18 January 2018

SuperUser Account 0 2433

Stress can be responsible for all sorts of conditions.  Find out how you can stop this cycle and lead a more relaxed lifestyle, advises consultant with Australian Brain Coaching Helen Dugdale.

NewsFlash! Anxiety, stress, worry is bad for your health!

Who would have thought?

SuperUser Account 0 2078
NewsFlash! Anxiety, stress, worry is bad for your health! 
Who would have thought? 
It is possible to nip these anxieties in the bud before they escalate and cause other health problems.
Change your thinking habits - call or message and make an appointment to find out how you can feel better about yourself. 0417 064507 
Cheers - Helen

Youth Shack Workshops

SuperUser Account 0 2358
I recently was involved in this fantastic workshop for The Youth Shack they held a very successful training workshop for young people over the last few weeks with incredible feedback about how great and valuable the course is! 

It was fantastic to have such a great group of young people involved 🎉🎉🎉🎉

The good news is that the Youth Shack will be running the course again in July

Wakeup refreshed or not

SuperUser Account 0 2415
Sleeplessness is a concern for many people. It can be caused by a number of different reasons. There are also many different ways of dealing with it - some with more degrees of success than others. You have probably gone on-line to find solutions and will have seen them all!
2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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