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Carers NSW Sleep Workshop
Helen Dugdale
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Carers NSW Sleep Workshop

“Sometimes carers are so busy looking after other people that they often don’t have the time or energy to look after themselves.

Thank you to Carers NSW for inviting me to speak at a conference they held in Narrabri last week, for a number of local people who are caring for other people.

And to this end, Carers NSW asked me to present my workshop on the Importance of Sleep. If we get consistently good quality sleep, we are doing ourselves a favour in looking after our own health, and when we do that, we are in a better position to look after others.

Lots of issues can arise, both physically and emotionally if we don’t get enough quality sleep. Some people say that they can ‘get by’ on not much sleep.

That may be true in the short term for some people, but in the long term, something has to give, and it could be your physical or emotional wellbeing.

If people got more quality sleep they wouldn’t be just ‘getting by’, they would be getting more out of life, more enjoyment.

The people at this workshop seemed to take on board many of the suggestions that have been researched by me, for my forthcoming book on Insomnia, and also what I have learnt from my clients who used to suffer from sleep problems.

Some of the feedback included: 'will try the binaural beats music’, 'will try the deep breathing’, and other people said 'will try all your suggestions!”

If you or someone you know suffers from sleep problems, give me a call. I offer a free 30 minute introductory session.

I look forward to hearing from you and being able to help you.

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed!

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Next Article Sleep Workshop - Sunday 13th August
2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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