
Binaural beats could ease both anxiety and depression

Article from Daily Telegraph Body and Soul Sunday supplement Author Natascha Mirosch

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Promising results have been shown in using BBs for relieving anxiety in patients in hospital emergency departments, on patients waiting to undergo operationspsychiatric outpatients with anxiety disorders and for depressive symptoms in older people in nursing homes.

"Brain coach", Helen Dugdale of Australian Brain Coaching uses BBs combined with positive affirmations to assist clients with anxiety.

Brain training finding the best way forward

Article from the Dubbo Photo News 24 September 2020 by John Ryan

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Helen Dugdale's work has a very different flavour to most jobs but she says as ever more people feel the positive results of the German brain-training psychological techniques she offers, the more their family and friends want to experience learning how to effect positive change in their lives.

Two step out to support Beyond Blue

Narrabri Courier September 8 2020

Helen Dugdale 0 1851

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

It’s a famous Chinese proverb, of course, and may have been in the minds of two walkers when they set off at dawn from Pirate Park, Narrabri West on Thursday to walk to Yarrie Lake.

The distance is about 17 kilometres, or something more than 17,000 steps, but their journey was for a good cause and they weren’t counting.

The Healing Power of Music

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It’s no secret that music can alter our mood, whether we listen or participate. Loud and active is more uplifting; smooth and soft, more calming. As long ago as 1697, William Congreve wrote that music has the power to “soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” 
Now, research has shown us we can harness these powers to create calmness and help us heal in many ways. When we are calm we can function better, both emotionally and physiologically. This is when healing can take place.


Beating the Blues during Covid19

It is such an important topic.

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Being anxious over a change in our lives is Normal. It is called being human. It is how we let that anxiety get to us that we need to address.  A certain amount of anxiety (or stress) can be useful – it can help spur us to react, to be responsive, to adapt.  We certainly have had a lot of changes in our lives recently.  

Free On-line Psychotherapy and Counselling Consultations

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In these uncertain times, with lots of upheaval – some people maybe feeling overwhelmed and more anxious. I am offering free consultations via Skype or video conferencing, while we are all in social distancing mode. Even though face-to-face counselling is better, I would still like to offer my services to help alleviate people’s fears and anxieties, before it becomes a major health issue.


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"extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult."

It occurred to me that people suffering from this condition might have trouble getting help. How do they get out of the house to find out or to seek help? The answer is, they probably don't, they are more likely to read articles online or in newspapers or magazines, or hear about what help is available through friends or family.

Ageing Well in Later Life

By Helen Dugdale - Australian Brain Coaching

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It's important to celebrate our elders and their achievements and their value to society.  There have been lots of studies and trials on being healthy in later years, particularly emotional well-being as that has a definite impact on your physical well-being.

Yes it is possible to change your ways and improve your life by overcoming those things that are annoying you, ( I am not talking medical or physical things - I'll leave those things for the doctors and medical professionals)

YES - you can learn to overcome stresses, difficult situations, bad habits.  Scientists have done thousands of trials and brain scans, and the brain is pliable i.e. plasticity of the brain cells is real.


Woman of the Year a passionate advocate for youth, education

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The Narrabri SIAHTO Woman of the Year, Helen Dugdale, is a passionate advocate for young people and for education.  In those areas, and in others across the community, Mrs Dugdale has dedicated many years of voluntary commitment and enthusiasm.  Her achievements were recognised and applauded by the audience – which included her daughter Anna Dugdale – when a surprised Mrs Dugdale was announced as the 2019 Narrabri Woman of the Year at Narrabri SIAHTO’s awards night on Tuesday.   Mrs Dugdale was taken by surprise – she had been invited to the dinner as a guest speaker – with no inkling of her honour to come.  SIAHTO and family members had carefully planned to circumvent the award winner’s prior commitments to ensure she would be at the event.

Procrastination - No laughing matter

Helen Dugdale 0 2155

People often laugh about their habit of putting things off. You know the old joke - "Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow". That is okay for awhile or on minor issues, and then wham! all of a sudden you are under pressure to perform or lifestyle issues are at stake. This pressure or stress is not good for your health, amongst other negative impacts.
Of course, a little bit of pressure can be good for performance, it can motivate you to get that job done, get that essay written etc. However, when a 'little' bit of pressure becomes a 'lot', and not getting things done on time becomes a habit, that's when things will start to go downhill. You may need some intervention strategies to change these habits.


Ageing Well In Later Life

Presentation to Narrabri Seniors Week

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Thank you to the Council for putting on such a wonderful event. It's important to celebrate our elders, and their achievements and their value to society. Thank you for inviting me to come along today to speak on this topic

I am excited about this topic, as I just recently studied this in my psychology course. There have been lots of studies and trials on being healthy in later years, particularly emotional well-being, as that has a definite impact on your physical well-being.

Stress is the Culprit

Appearing in the Narrabri Courier 18 January 2018

SuperUser Account 0 2433

Stress can be responsible for all sorts of conditions.  Find out how you can stop this cycle and lead a more relaxed lifestyle, advises consultant with Australian Brain Coaching Helen Dugdale.

NewsFlash! Anxiety, stress, worry is bad for your health!

Who would have thought?

SuperUser Account 0 2076
NewsFlash! Anxiety, stress, worry is bad for your health! 
Who would have thought? 
It is possible to nip these anxieties in the bud before they escalate and cause other health problems.
Change your thinking habits - call or message and make an appointment to find out how you can feel better about yourself. 0417 064507 
Cheers - Helen
2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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