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Defenestration - the act of throwing things out the window.
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Defenestration - the act of throwing things out the window.

New Year's Resolutions - out the window??

And it's only February!

If your New Year Resolutions have gone out the window already maybe you need help in working out why.

Sometimes it is not that obvious, such as - not having any willpower. There could be many reasons why you have given up. Your brain could still be in that same rut - reverting back to your old habits. Our brains get stuck in a rut and are hard to move this type of thinking. And just like any new skill you’ll need to train your brain for your new skill. 

So it is so easy to revert back to our old ways of thinking:
easy to have that extra chocolate when you are trying to diet 
easy to spend on the credit card when you are trying to save
easy to have another wine, when your aim was to cut down
easy to put off studying, if your goal was to get qualified
easy to not exercise, if your goal was fitness
easy to not have that clean-out, if your goal was to de-clutter
Do any of these ring any bells for you? Why do we do this to ourselves?
Sometimes it is self-sabotage. The little person in the back of our mind saying - "Go on, give in, it's only you, who cares if you don't reach your goal"
Some of us are full of excuses; it's someone else's fault; I don’t have the time etc etc.
You need to find out, what is the real reason, the trigger, for your self-defeating behaviour.

You can use Brain coaching to help you get on track. These are three ways Brain coaching works:

1. It identifies the correct trigger for the behaviour
2. It helps resolve that issue, so that you can move on 
3. It helps you come up with some strategies that you can put in place, next time that you are on the verge of giving in.

You are now on your way to achieving your goals!

Imagine how good that will feel - to finally achieve something! Then, if you can achieve that - what else can you achieve?
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"
Thomas A. Edison
or as Todd Sampson said - "When you fell like giving-up, just hang in there 5* more minutes"
(* Metaphoric 5 minutes - just hang in there for  a little bit longer, no matter what the issue is - sport, work, relationships, goals; ie persevere through the setbacks).

Call or message Australian Brain Coaching to see what you can fully achieve.


So it is so easy to revert back to our old ways of thinking:
easy to have that extra chocolate when you are trying to diet 
easy to spend on the credit card when you are trying to save
easy to have another wine, when your aim was to cut down
easy to put off studying, if your goal was to get qualified
easy to not exercise, if your goal was fitness
easy to not have that clean-out, if your goal was to de-clutter
Do any of these ring any bells for you? Why do we do this to ourselves?
Sometimes it is self-sabotage. The little person in the back of our mind saying - "Go on, give in, it's only you, who cares if you don't reach your goal"
Some of us are full of excuses; it's someone else's fault; I don’t have the time etc etc.
You need to find out, what is the real reason, the trigger, for your self-defeating behaviour.

You can use Brain coaching to help you get on track. These are three ways Brain coaching works:

1. It identifies the correct trigger for the behaviour
2. It helps resolve that issue, so that you can move on 
3. It helps you come up with some strategies that you can put in place, next time that you are on the verge of giving in.

You are now on your way to achieving your goals!

Imagine how good that will feel - to finally achieve something! Then, if you can achieve that - what else can you achieve?
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"
Thomas A. Edison


or as Todd Sampson said - "When you feel like giving up, just hang in there 5 more minutes*"

(* Metaphoric 5 minutes - just hang in there for  a little bit longer, no matter what the issue is - sport, work, relationships, goals; ie persevere through the setbacks).

Call or message Australian Brain Coaching to see what you can fully achieve.

#achievement #commitment #givingup #newyearsresolutions #selfsabotage 
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