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Lifting a weight off your shoulders.
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Lifting a weight off your shoulders.

There seems to be a lot of anxiety amongst young people these days.

Late teens and 20 something's are quite anxious about their careers and where their future is heading, and they are not sure what they 'should' be doing. This thinking tends to be repetitive and often negative in nature causing feelings of anxiety or fear to get worse.
This anxiety is manifesting itself in other forms of stress and leading to health problems and unhappiness.. If you are experiencing anxiety you might feel anxious, on edge or worried most of the time. Feeling overwhelmed, frightened or even panicked is also common.
You might also experience a range of physical symptoms when you are anxious like your heart racing, butterflies in the stomach, muscle tension, shaky hands or perhaps feeling nauseous
Some young people are too scared to take the next step because they fear failure, or they are not sure of the 'right' thing to do, so they do nothing!
Then, once we sit down and go through the brain coaching method, we work out exactly what is holding them back and then we go on to work out a plan of action that they are happy with. They can finally move forward!
You can actually see a weight being lifted from their shoulders!
They stand taller, shoulders back, head high and a smile on their face. 
Beyond Blue says that 1 in 6 people between 17 - 24 have anxiety.

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