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Open Palm or closed fist?  Some people have different attitudes to life.
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Open Palm or closed fist? Some people have different attitudes to life.

Open palm or closed fist? Some people have different attitudes to life.

Listened to an amazing guest speaker yesterday – Heather J. Mackenzie, from Denver Colarado.

An open palm is all about being ready to receive new ideas, new possibilities, meet new people.

This was her main message. Heather is a very inspirational speaker – from adversity comes opportunity and Heather wants to spread the word and help other people reach their potential.

Some of the outcomes of this talk were not only the insight and experience of Heather, it was also meeting the other amazing women in the audience. For example – Black Diamonds - 2 ladies empowering indigenous women and teenagers to be the best they can be.

Another lady who is the first Plus size clothes designer to be invited to the Paris Fashion show.

A photographer who does strong vibrant photoshoots of women to remind them that they can get through adversity because they are strong and vibrant.

The day was an elevation and a celebration of the amazing things that happen when you live life with an open palm.

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