Personal Development Workshop - Communication skills for agronomists
Recently Australian Brain Coaching was asked to facilitate a Personal Development workshop, focussing on communication skills for a workplace staff of 16 agronomists. These are all tertiary qualified people who also need to keep on top of the latest research in their field; management trends, as well as available rural commodity markets. They also often have to deal with tricky situations in dealing with farmers, resource providers and government departments, as well as being available at different hours when working in seasonal growing conditions.
These well-qualified agronomists can also be under pressure from the natural elements, and what it takes to grow an economic as well as an environmentally friendly crop.
In this workshop, we covered areas like: getting the best out of yourself and those you deal with; how to deal with people with different communication styles; and how to stay cool under pressure! Even how to get what you want with a fair argument and still stay friends!
We also set some tasks and goals to report on in 4 month’s time. Most people tend to respond more effectively when they know that they have to be accountable and when they have goals rather than wish lists!
It was a pleasure working with this group and seeing them pondering how they would put some of these ideas into practice.