
Rotary Club of Narrabri - Achievements aplenty for our Rotarians

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Rotarians have been celebrating tremendous achievements recently.
This week, Helen Dugdale was joined by family and friends to celebrate the official launch of her book, Put Insomnia to Sleep.
In her book, Helen argues that you don’t have to be part of the 40 per cent of Australians who struggle with insomnia, lack of sleep, or even just bad sleeping habits.

Book Launch at Shoal Bay

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Hello Shoal Bay

I can’t wait to launch ‘Put Insomnia to Sleep’ on 12 February at the Shoal Bay Country Club.

Mingle with a drink before enjoying a complimentary drink on arrival & canapes. I’ll be in conversation with novelist Rhys Gard about what inspired me to write the book, and some of the interesting facts I’ve learned about sleep along the way.

There’s been a lot of hard work and plenty of cups of coffee from the initial idea to a fully published book! I can’t wait to share it with everyone and to hopefully help people have a better night’s sleep.

Sleeping habits in the spotlight through new book by Helen Dugdale

The Courier - January 25, 2024

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In Put Insomnia to Sleep, experienced Narrabri-based psychotherapist Helen Dugdale argues that you don’t have to be part of the 40 per cent of Australians who struggle with insomnia, lack of sleep, or even just bad sleeping habits.

“A lot of my clients were coming to me with anxiety and stress and saying that they don’t sleep well. Once I’d fixed their anxiety, they started sleeping better,” she said.

Book Launch - Put Insominia to sleep - Tourist Hotel, Narrabri

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Hello Narrabri!

I can’t wait to launch ‘Put Insomnia to Sleep’ on 30 January at the Tourist Hotel.

Mingle with a drink before enjoying a two-course meal. I’ll be in conversation with novelist Rhys Gard about what inspired me to write the book, and some of the interesting facts I’ve learned about sleep along the way.

There’s been a lot of hard work and plenty of cups of coffee from the initial idea to a fully published book! I can’t wait to share it with everyone and to hopefully help people have a better night’s sleep.

Personal Development Workshop - Communication skills for agronomists

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Recently Australian Brain Coaching was asked to facilitate a Personal Development workshop, focussing on communication skills for a workplace staff of 16 agronomists. These are all tertiary qualified people who also need to keep on top of the latest research in their field; management trends, as well as available rural commodity markets. They also often have to deal with tricky situations in dealing with farmers, resource providers and government departments, as well as being available at different hours when working in seasonal growing conditions.

Sleep Workshop - CSIRO

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Recently I was asked to facilitate a Sleep Workshop for 45 CSIRO personnel, as part of their Workplace Health and Well-being day.

Sleep is so much a part of good health, sometimes it can get over-looked in the busy-ness of work and to-and-from home, especially when asked to work longer hours than usual, in different seasons. Sleep is also important to not only our physical well-being, but also to our emotional well-being.

If we get adequate, good quality sleep , we tend to function better at work, make better decisions, better life-style choices (eg, less junk food, less alcohol etc). We are also more alert and less grumpy!

Most of us know this already, but are we all doing anything about lack of sleep when it occurs?

Weekend Retreat - 22-25 September

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Weekend Retreat - Pilliga Pottery Farmstay.
Come for half a day, or more., whatever you can spare in your busy life.
Book in for 1-on-1 sessions with Helen, or book in for group workshops. Get some help to deal with anxieties, phobias, insomnia or performance issues, in a beautiful relaxing setting. Meals included. I look forward to helping you.
#retreat #pilliga #narrabri #dubbo #anxiety #insomnia #phobias #braincoaching

Carers NSW Sleep Workshop

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“Sometimes carers are so busy looking after other people that they often don’t have the time or energy to look after themselves.

Thank you to Carers NSW for inviting me to speak at a conference they held in Narrabri last week, for a number of local people who are caring for other people.

And to this end, Carers NSW asked me to present my workshop on the Importance of Sleep. If we get consistently good quality sleep, we are doing ourselves a favour in looking after our own health, and when we do that, we are in a better position to look after others.

Testimonial from Clayton Johannesen the Champion Weight-lifter:

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“You can train every day, diet for months and have perfect recovery. But there is one thing that separates good from great, it is the mental game and toughness needed to achieve greatness. Without it you will fall short, how can I say that? Because I’ve lived it. Working with Helen unlocked my true potential and the mindset needed to separate myself from the crowd. Every mental blockage was overcome with her guidance and I reached levels of performance and results that I thought were impossible, to begin with. So I guess you have to ask yourself whether you want to be good or great.

Teachers Workshops

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From late 2021 and during 2022, Helen was asked to present a series of workshops to teachers and Ed Dept staff at various locations around NSW. The theme was “Retraining your Brain – getting the best out of yourself and those around you”.
It wasn’t about curriculum or how to teach. It was about understanding yourself and being able to encourage others – no matter how difficult they can be!


Sleep Workshop

Sunday 4th December

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Recently I held a workshop for people about how to get a better night’s sleep. We all know the importance of how a good sleep makes us feel. So what is stopping us? And what can we do about it?
All participants were given a workbook and we went through it and answered as individuals – what would work for each of them?


Insomnia, Psoriasis, Nocturia, Anxiety

#insomnia #urinatingduringnight #psoriasis #anxiety #braincoaching #relief

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(Nocturia is the need to get up and urinate during the night)
(Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes itchy scaly patches, and is known to become worse when stressed)
They are all connected!
Recently I had a client who had all of the above, and their life was very stressful, not only because of these issues but also because they had a busy job managing a business with 20 employees, dealing with clients, as well as trying to make a profit.
Thomas is in his late-30’s and trying to do the best he can for all concerned, and look after his own family.

Spider phobias

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It is ok to have a fear of spiders – they can be poisonous!
We should all have a healthy respect for danger, no matter what that danger is, for example, a spider web strung across our path, or a hole in the ground with a spider in it. It is when this fear becomes irrational and/or impacts your life, that you need to do something about it. If, for example, just looking at a picture of spiders on the TV will bring on heart palpitations and sweating or may be refusing to go into your own house if you think there is a spider in there and then yelling and screaming uncontrollably – very debilitating reactions!

Frog Phobias

Phobias, - overcoming them and getting your life back

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Can you imagine being so scared of frogs that you couldn’t sleep in your own bed, if there was one at the door? or get out of your car if there was one in your driveway?

People know that most of the ordinary frogs in Australia are harmless, they are not poisonous, they don’t bite. They are slimy, noisy and they jump though. Why do some people get heart palpitations and start to feel panicky, just by looking at a frog?

This is what is known as a phobia is – “an irrational fear or aversion to something”

Sleep Survey Summary

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First of all, thank you to everyone who filled out the sleep survey on my website. Your time and effort in responding to the questions is really appreciated. Every single respondent took the time to write comments about their sleeping experiences. This information will be so useful in relaying to other people what works and what doesn’t, (in real life), and what some of the consequences are of not sleeping well. Your efforts and comments may help someone else to improve their sleeping habits.

The following is a brief summary of the statistics from the survey:

2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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